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Writer's pictureAndie Johnson

What is Reiki?

Updated: Apr 6, 2022

This is a question I get asked on a weekly basis... What is Reiki??

It’s quite startling to me that in the “New Aged” (insert eye roll) spiritual aera, many people are still unaware to what this practice is or think it’s a bunch of hocus pocus. Even though reiki is magical 😊 the energy is very real and so is the impact it has on each individual life willing to seek it out, or rather, if you’re reading this blog reiki maybe trying to find you.

As you’ll soon find this energetic practice merges both spiritual concepts and science, so it’s not an easy topic to explain in words and best to experience the magic yourself... However, I’ll try my best to illustrate the beauty that I have come to know reiki as in hopes you’ll explore the practice for yourself.

The Meaning and Origins

Let us start with the word Reiki, “Rei” meaning “God’s wisdom”, or “higher power”, and “Ki” meaning “life force energy.” Pronounced (Ray-Key), the term can be interpreted as spiritually guided life force energy or universal energy.

In religious terms, reiki is also known as: Ki in Japan

Prana (yoga tradition of Tibet and India)

Yesod (Jewish cabalistic tradition)

Qi Chi in China

Baraka by Sufis

Holy Spirit/Light (Christian tradition)

The art of Reiki is known as a Japanese healing technique discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui. This energy healing technique is meant to help bring balance to a persons energy system so that they may begin to heal their body, mind, and spirit.

Let me be clear, even though reiki holds spiritual concepts, you do not have to be spiritual or religious for reiki to work. The energy is a science and can be proven, the deeper concept of life accompanies the term due to its holistic nature and spiritual experiences.

The Energy and Dis - ease

Let us dig a little deeper into what the energy is….

The life force energy or spiritual intelligence is our existence. It is the energy that binds everything in our universe together, how we are all one or connected.

Everything in life is, on a scientific level, made up of energy. Your body is made of energy. Your soul is a unique bundle of energy. Your thoughts and emotions are energy and as energetic beings (a.k.a., we’re not human) we can transfer and absorb energy as well. To spiral further down this rabbit hole, the human body is a brilliant design created to harness the energy that is “you” or your “soul” in this lifetime. Your energy is anchored into the human body by the chakras, meaning “wheels” that literally spin or distribute your energy throughout the body. Through our life journey it is inevitable that energy is going to become stuck, low, or overactive in certain chakras based on our experiences, thoughts, emotions, and surroundings. Spoiler alert, the life learning experience is why we came here, and the body is our best guide 😊 – Another post to come.

This unbalanced energy within the body is the root cause of all human disease. The body is held together by sound and the presence of disease just means something is out of tune with the harmony that is you. This is the beauty of reiki, as dis-ease stems from an energetic imbalance, reiki will work to balance the chakra system prompting healing where it is needed the most.

The Reiki Session

During a reiki session the practitioner acts as a channel connecting to reiki energy, and with a variety of hand positions, pumps the client’s chakras full of energy. The practitioner will start at the client’s crown chakra and work their way down spending about 3-5 minutes over the 7 main chakras. The practitioner may choose to use certain reiki symbols, crystals, or harmonics they intuitively feel will assist with the session. This typically will last anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour.


* Where I personally believe people get thrown off is mistaking “reiki” for something different than god life force energy. Let me clarify reiki energy IS the god intelligence energy that connects our entire universe. It is the same energy already running through your body keeping you alive in this realm of existence. I believe the healing technique of a practitioner acting as a channel (not being the healer) and unique hand positions is named reiki to identify the practice. *

Ok moving along now 😊

Since Reiki is the intelligent god energy it automatically knows how to balance the client’s energetic system so in reality the practitioner does not dictate where the energy will go. The healing a client will receive and experience during and after a session is entirely up to the energy. Everyone is on their own unique life journey and therefore, healing looks different for everyone.

Reiki Benefits and Conclusion

Anyone can benefit from a reiki session but people looking to improve certain aspects of their life or dis-ese may seek out multiple sessions and even learn the practice of reiki to become attuned to the energy permanently – Another post 😊

As I’ve stated above, each person will heal differently dependent on their current frequency. Reiki being a spiritually guided intelligence knows exactly what healing is needed at that specific moment in time and what the person is ready to heal. Greater benefits will be experienced with regular sessions or combined with inner work.

Reiki truly is a beautiful practice, and in all reality, words do not describe the magic that is experienced with each reiki session by the practitioner and client. I am so grateful I get the opportunity to work with the energy daily in my own life as well as helping others experience the beauty that is reiki. I strongly encourage you to experience the energy yourself and seek a hands-on session from a trusted practitioner.

It may change your life forever like it changed mine <3

· Light & Love

Andrea J

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