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Writer's pictureAndie Johnson

The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is located slightly above the root at the base of the spine and resides in the pelvic/sacral region of the body. This energy center is the 2nd human chakra and is associated with creation and our companion relationships (friendships & intimate). The sacral chakra is the space where all creation is birthed into this physical realm. This includes actual life (birthing or creating a child) and creative ideas/endeavors or passions your soul desires to generate in this lifetime.

This space is also representative to our relationships that exist outside of our tribal energy. The second chakra is where we evolve past the point of our safe space (root chakra) and start venturing out in the world to create relationships with others. The energies here will correspond directly with friendships and intimate relations.

This is considered one of the three “human” chakras meaning the energy associated with it is ancestral or earthly energies. I like to call this charka the “Power” and “Pleasure” chakra as its where we hold energies associated with money, sex, and addictions. All are very much part of the human experience and neither right nor wrong; however, how much are you willing to sell your soul for those energies. Your body will let you know 😊 (everything in moderation)

It is also said this space is the true intuition of the female (the womb)

Strong Sacral Chakra Energy

People who have a strong sacral chakra tend to create some if not all the following energies/situations in their life.

* Strong intimate relationships

* Passionate

* Accept their sexuality

* Creative

* Healthy relationship with money, sex, or addictive patterns/substances

* Emotionally intelligent

* Healthy boundaries

* Able to experience pleasure

* Find inspiration easily or inspire others

* High libido

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