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Writer's pictureAndie Johnson

Should I Become a Reiki Practitioner?

Benefits to Practicing Reiki

The path of a healer is an extremely rewarding journey, but it is not everyone’s soul desire to “heal” humanity. The beautiful thing about Reiki is that the energy works in your life regardless of if you wish to practice it on others or just for your own life journey. There are many benefits one can receive becoming attune to Reiki energy and in this post, I will cover both the benefits of establishing a self-practice or becoming a Reiki practitioner for others. This will hopefully guide you to how you would like to experience the wonders of Reiki in your own reality.

Benefits of Establishing a Self-Reiki Practice

* Permanent attunement to the energy

The attunement to Reiki energy is a sacred ceremony in which the Reiki Master Teacher will perform that connects the student’s energy to Reiki energy for life. Even if the student does not consistently practice Reiki, this connection will always be there, and it will increase the amount of energy the student can channel for themselves.

* Reiki symbols to enhance your life

Depending on the level of Reiki course you take you will receive Reiki symbols to amplify the healing work you’re conducting. Each symbol has a certain frequency meant for a situation or vibration to heal. The student may use them as they see fit in their life.

* Deepens your spiritual connection

The attunement to Reiki will provide a physical and energetic upgrade to the human body. This will result in an increase in the student’s spiritual connection. This connection must, however, be tended to with consistent practice to further develop and maintain it. Practicing with the energy this will happen naturally.

* Strengthens intuition

Working with Reiki energy consistently will increase the student’s intuition or third eye capabilities. In some cases, the Reiki attunement will awaken psychic abilities within the student.

* Expands your awareness of the energy and how to work with it

Consistent practice with the energy will develop the student’s understanding of how the energy works with the human energetic system (Chakras & Meridians) and how it relates to life concepts or challenges. This knowledge can help one take appropriate action to heal certain alignments in their life or achieve goals.

* Reading your own energetic field

For new students its highly recommended to give yourself daily Reiki sessions for about a month after attunement. This will get you familiar with your own chakra system and you’ll start to become aware of what energy is yours and what is someone else’s. This will allow you to protect your energy around certain people or situations and let go of energy that is not yours.

* Balance your own energetic system

Self-Reiki sessions will allow you to balance your own energetic system. Giving yourself Reiki can be done anywhere at any time. Driving a car, working at your desk, sitting at the dinner table... the list goes on. Any time you feel the need to balance your energy system just tap into Reiki and let it flow through you.

* Heal past traumas

In Reiki level 2 you receive the distance symbol which allows you to travel back in time to heal a trauma that you are still holding in your energetic field. Getting this energy to leave your subconscious mind will shift your reality and allow for more of your higher self to enter in your energy system.

* Send Reiki to future events

Just like past events, Reiki can be sent to future events that you know will be emotional or stressful. This will help ease the energetic impact it will have on you or potentially change the course of the event. Just use the Reiki level 2 distance symbol.

* Manifest with Reiki energy

You can use Reiki energy to manifest what you would like more of in your life. You can write situations, goals, items, or relationships you wish to manifest on a piece of paper and give the paper Reiki. You can also make Reiki candles infusing the candle with Reiki energy and an intention.

* Heal close family, friends, pets, plants, food

If you feel comfortable enough, you can practice Reiki on those that are closest to you. Animals also love receiving Reiki and benefit greatly from it. You can stimulate the growth of plants with Reiki as well and give it to your food for extra energy and healing in your body.

* Infuse Reiki in objects

Give Reiki to objects around your home that you would like to radiate the healing loving energy throughout the home. You can also power up crystals for healing or building grids to amplify their affects. Give your jewelry Reiki to wear and absorb the healing affects during the day.

* Cleanse your home or sacred space with Reiki (Toning)

Bringing in Reiki energy to your home can be one of the best things you can do for your environment. You can tone each room using specific symbols for certain healing frequencies. You can imagine drawing the symbols with your mind’s third eye on each wall, floor, and ceiling of the room. You can also speak the symbols out loud to bring in the frequency. See if your guests or family notice a difference in how the house “feels” 😊

Benefits of Being a Reiki Practitioner

(a Healer’s Journey for Humanity)

In this section I wanted to cover the additional benefits of becoming a Reiki practitioner. This entails consistently performing Reiki sessions on clients. (You will also receive all the benefits of practicing Reiki on yourself in the section above.)

* Fulfilling

Being a Reiki practitioner is a fulfilling practice that usually indicates Reiki is part of the person’s soul mission here on Earth. This can be very healing and lead to living their best life.

* Self-healing (Healing others clears your charkas)

When you conduct Reiki sessions you always get back the energy you put out. Giving sessions regularly will naturally keep your Chakras balanced since your energy will be cleared before every session.

* Further strengthens intuition

Working with the energy heightens intuition but working with other people and their energy will strengthen your psychic abilities and provide client feedback on what you/they experienced during the session. It is important to have confirmation on these experiences, so your human mind does not think it imagined something.

* Being a clear channel for others

Working on clients will require you to take care of your energy more so than the average human. When you work with energies of other people you will need to be sure you are a clear channel and rid yourself of any energy that is not yours. This requires a lot of practice, but it is very beneficial for you.

* Witnessing clients heal

This can be part of the fulfilling experience. Seeing/ being part of someone’s healing is an amazing feeling/event to witness. When you see and feel someone heal or energies lift from their field it truly is an astounding experience that will bring you gratitude for this type of work and change your perception of life.

* Make a living or extra income

Having a regular cliental can bring in extra money. Money is energy and if you are spending your time and energy helping others it should be compensated unless you are trying to gain beginner hours.

* Read other people’s energy

You’ll be a walking lie detector 😊 in time you will soon be able to detect people who are “fake” or even influencers or marketing schemes on products. You’ll read/feel when someone is not being truthful. You will also be able to read your clients energy before/during Reiki sessions to see what healing needs to take place.

* Experience more of the wonders with Reiki

Working with clients will provide you with an endless amount of Reiki experiences in each session. Not one session is identical because all our energies are different so the experience of each one will be different. Never go into a session thinking you’ll know the outcome.

* Combine reiki with certain occupations (massage, esthetician)

This is starting to be a popular trend in the beauty/holistic health industry. Combining Reiki with certain holistic/beauty modalities like facials, waxing, pedicures, or massage. You can also incorporate crystals with Reiki or infuse your workspace and tools with Reiki energy.

These benefits are only to name a few and these are the ones I have personally seen or have had fellow Reiki practitioners rave about. However, there is one definite knowing about Reiki that every practitioner more than likely tell you. They will say it changed their life forever and I can 100% agree. Reiki finds those unique souls who are meant to channel this energy through to the world. So, if this practice is calling to you my friend, it maybe time to take the journey with Reiki and see how the energy can work wonders in your life.

- Light & Love <3

Andrea J

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