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Writer's pictureAndie Johnson

Journal Entry 1: Reiki is not a Session, It’s a Journey

Being a Reiki Master Teacher, it is easy for me to constantly rave about the benefits of receiving a reiki session or learning the craft of the energy. I enjoy creating funny relatable content and writing beautiful posts on the internet, however, it’s just not that simple to explain deep connection with this energy. It becomes an even greater challenge in today’s “New Age” spirituality when people are unfamiliar with what reiki is or are just awakening to the fact that the universe abides by the laws of energy, which includes the human body, mind, and soul.

Some people may look to reiki in hopes the energy can "heal" their life with a few sessions. Unfortunately, this is not how the energy works and if you think a couple sessions will undo years or lifetimes of trauma you will be disappointed. The short answer is yes, reiki will harmonize your being and align your chakra system; however, it will not keep you that way. Reiki acts as a guide in your life, almost like a teacher. Its purpose is not to heal you but to assist you in the healing journey we call life. You dear one are the healer...

Reflecting on my own spiritual awakening reiki was the energy to unleash Kundalini... Another story for a different time. After this awakening reiki soon found me to bring forth the answers I searched for. I did not seek to be a Master Teacher. I came as a humble student looking for guidance to heal my life. I desperately searched to transform myself from the inside out, although what no one tells you in learning reiki is how to use the energy in your own life. One does not simply just take a class and learn the beauty of reiki and suddenly their life is healed. No....

You must take your life journey with reiki. You must learn how the energy communicates with you and you must participate in it daily. Like a muscle, this practice must be exercised and built to gain confidence to take the deeper dive into the spiral of life. The deconstruction of the ego takes patience and unconditional love as you peel back layer by layer the hollow shell that imprisons your true essence.

For myself personally, reiki was the guide that opened the door to another world per say. No not the witchy world of dark magic... but the door to infinite possibilities that exist in this realm of reality. It stripped away the blinders and plucked me from the 3D matrix, in other words, I learned a deeper meaning of my existence and knew there were energies at work beyond what I could see. For the first time ever, life started to make sense and a greater understanding was gained in how my life was uniquely constructed for me. How every emotion, incident, thought, action, or lack of was divinely constructed for my highest good to end up where I sit behind a computer before you today. How throughout my life I was guided and never alone and neither are you. The ego will tell you you’re separate from this presence or guidance that exists within yourself. Your human mind will try to overpower this internal voice but trust me loved one it is not separate from you… It is you.

Reiki is the gatekeeper of knowledge that teaches me daily how to manipulate the energy in my own life to live out my purpose. How to communicate with the infinite power within to heal my body, mind, and soul. How to use the energy to manifest my deepest desires. How to balance the human experience as a spiritual being. How to connect to an indescribable source that you are so beautifully always nestled in.

The greatest thing, however, reiki taught me was feeling my power within...

This saying is thrown around quite a bit in the spiritual community, but it means something much deeper than one would think. Reiki will show you the way back home to what is you. The reawakening of your very being brought forth in a physical body...the temple of god.

This knowing or re realization that you are connected to something far beyond what you can imagine will create a shift in your body and change the way you experience life forever. You will find there are two “knowings” in this existence. One with your mind and the other will be in your body. When you physically feel the knowing inside your body… this is when miracles are made and lives transformed.

This message is channeled to unlock something within your subconscious mind. Some of you may immediately resonate and make shifts within while others it’s just another steppingstone in your path of awakening. You are capable to take the journey with reiki and experience all the magic that is you dear friend. All you must do is ask and you shall receive.

Have faith <3

-Light and Love

Andrea J.

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