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Writer's pictureAndie Johnson

How to Prep for Teaching a Reiki Class * Can be Used for Session Prep*

If one knew the amount of time and energy that went into teaching one reiki class or prepping for one session would they still perform it? Having the gift of reiki and spreading it to others takes much commitment to the practitioner or teacher. The spiritual dedication or discipline that one must balance two worlds of being human and a spiritual channel for those that need assistance can be a challenging one if you allow it.

Hello my friends. I am creating this blog to share my own personal routine in what I find works best for me to prep for teaching a reiki course. This information may also be beneficial in assisting to prepping for a reiki session as both can be utilized to raise one’s vibration. So I hope you may take away some ideas to enhance your preparations or maybe peak your interest in becoming a reiki master teacher or practitioner.

1 Week Before Class

This section outlines the essential actions (in my opinion) that must be performed at least 1 week prior to conducting a reiki class. The following information is also good to practice in just general if you are a reiki practitioner.

1. Contact your students 1 week prior to class and send them a confirmation email giving detail of the course or reiki session. Be sure to provide the time/date/address of the location of the engagement and any materials they need to bring or prep. (i.e. binder for notes, lose clothing)

2. Send the students an outline of the Reiki Cleanse. This cleanse is found in the book “Reiki for Life” by Penelope Quest. I won’t go into full detail here of the cleanse, but it is designed to prep the students’ or clients’ body and mind for the class/and or session.

3. Clean the absolute F*cK out of your house or choice of gathering. Your space is a direct representation of your energy. Clutter, dust, dirt, and disorganization will impact the energy of the session or class. Clean your space as you would clean your temple…A.K.A. your body.

4. Cleanse the energy in your space or home. This is also super important. You must cleanse the energy in your space and invite energies of the highest good of light and love in. This can be extremely ceremonial or simple. This is where you as a reiki master or practitioner can get creative in what calls to you. Below are my ways that I like to cleanse my sacred space.

  • SAGE, SAGE, SAGE!!! Yes Sage every room of your house and this being walk every corner, closet, window and doorway down with sage. Be sure to open a window once you are complete. Also feel free to turn on some high vibe music that you like. Something that will evoke positive feelings within yourself.

  • Set out crystals. Crystals are Earth’s gracious gift to us for our healing. Use them to bring in light and loving energies into your space. You can also use crystals in your reiki session to enhance the energy. I love to build grids around my home to bring in good vibes. I also make sure all my salt rock lamps are always on. The possibilities are endless!

  • Essential oils & Incense <3 I love using scents to bring in good vibes to my home. I usually always have several diffusers or incense sticks going in my home but for a reiki class I will make sure to use certain ones. My must haves for this include Indian Temple incense, Young Living oils: Joy, White Angelica, Sandalwood, and Cedarwood. I try to have a combination of high vibrational oils and scents along with a few grounding oils to reduce any anxious vibes.

  • Test out the energy in your home by setting out lemons at least 1 week prior to the class or session. If black spots appear on the lemon within 1 week then that is a sign there is low vibrations in your space.

5. Keep up your own personal spiritual routine or make sure to spend some extra time connecting with yourself. It is extremely important during this time to dedicate a portion of your day (even if its 10 minutes) to meditate, journal, read spiritual concepts or learning materials. The intention is to be better than what you normally would in your daily routine.

The Day of the Class or Session

1. Tone each room – Toning a room is very ceremonial in the sense of putting power behind intention with action. When I tone a room, I am literally drawing out carefully selected Reiki symbols with my Selenite wand and pushing the symbol into the wall while I say it aloud 3 times. I tone each wall, the floor, and ceiling of the room I am either teaching in or performing a reiki session in. I will then tone each room of my home by standing in the center and drawing out the symbols and repeating them aloud 3 times. I imagine the vibrations echoing through the entire room. It is important to note that as I draw out the Reiki symbols, I am seeing them in my third eye in a gold third dimensional shape. Toning is a VERY powerful way to bring forth energies of the highest light and love. If you are in tune with the reiki symbols you will feel the vibrations of the room shift after each symbol. There are a TON of Reiki symbols to use but you can use your intuition on what you think the space needs for the session or class.

2. Cleanse your own energy! This is crucial my loves <3 You must be a clear channel before you interact with your students’ or client’s energy. Just like in daily life we are always exchanging and absorbing energy from our peers or environment weather you’re aware of it or not. When you’re working with Reiki and channeling the energy in a session or attunement the clearer a channel you are the more energy that is going to transfer to the person. The day of the class I will make sure to do the following:

  • Take a shower. This may sound odd but its extremely energy clearing. Water is cleansing so when you shower you are cleansing your aura. You can even do a little shower meditation and imagine the water washing away any negative vibes you may be carrying.

  • Wear crystals! I love wearing certain crystals to help enhance or protect my energy. I always wear a Labradorite necklace, Sapphire ring, and I will carry Hematite for grounding.

  • Do an energy clearing meditation. I usually meditate daily and especially right before a session or teaching but I will be sure to include an energy clearing meditation. This is where I visualize connecting with mother earth and her working through each chakra clearing out any negative vibrations.

  • Use your pendulum to confirm that you are a clear channel. You can double check if you want to make sure you are clear by programming your pendulum to clear your energy. You can program your pendulum to spin in a circle (or whichever direction you like) and to stop once your energy is cleared.

  • Set the intention to be a clear channel for the duration of the session or class.

If at all you feel yourself stray from being a clear channel during the session or class simply bring yourself to the present moment or ask to be a clear channel again and it shall be done 😊

3. Set an intention for the class or session to be conducted for the highest good in yourself and students’/client’s life journey and ask the energy to bless them as they leave your space that day. I also set the intention to speak only with the highest healing vibrations of light and love. This helps ensure that no matter what I say I know that I have spoken purely out of light and love of the highest good and if something does not go to plan (A.K.A I stutter, offend someone, or going over a client’s reiki session with them) it was meant to for someone’s healing.

4. Call in your Reiki guides, angels, beings of light and love, ascended masters, brothers and sisters of the light… whom ever you work with and ask that they assist you in your practice that day.

5. Light candles, incense, and play soft music. This may depend on your space if you’re allowed to do so but this can really set the mood and bring in calm vibes. If you’re teaching a class, the attunement ceremony may even suggest this action to put more power behind the intention of the attunement.

6. Cleanse the space post session or class. Make sure to wrap up your practice with cleansing the energy in the space. You can do this by sage, crystals like selenite, simply meditating and imagining the energy clearing in the room or pray and ask your guides to.

That’s about it friends! If you’re hosting a class at your home, you may want to provide a variety of healthy high vibrational snacks for everyone as classes can tend to get long!

This is a sneak peak in what I like to do to prepare for my Reiki sessions or classes with students. I hope you were able to take some ideas to incorporate into your Reiki class or session prep routine! At the very least maybe it peaked your interest in becoming a practitioner/teacher yourself 😊

Feel free to contact me with any questions or share in the comments what your Reiki prep routine is <3

- Light & Love

Andrea J.

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