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Writer's pictureAndie Johnson

15 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

Looking for a few tips to increase your energy, boost your mood, feel good in your body, and overall live more in alignment with your soul? Raising your vibration or frequency can do just that. Everything at its core in life is just energy vibrating at a certain frequency, which includes you. Your soul which is powering the body, emits a certain harmonic frequency which is carried in the aura or human energetic body. Your frequency is determined by factors such as lifestyle, thoughts, emotions, habits, and your environment. If you are conscious and aware you will be able to realize what amplifies or depletes your energy causing a shift in your vibration.

You are what you consume in your body, mind, and what you expose yourself to in your environment. These 15 tips below will help you take control of your vibration so you can step into the best version of you (your higher self)

  1. Eat whole plant-based foods – foods hold a frequency which raw fruits and vegetables are the highest frequency foods. They are pure life and fuel the body with nutrients and microbiome.

  2. Spend time in nature – connecting with nature is connecting to your true essence. Walking in nature has been scientifically proven to increase mood and energy. Ground yourself to the earth by walking barefoot if possible

  3. Exercise – movement is medicine. Moving your body will literally get energies moving through you. Dance will shake off negative energy literally. Lifting weights can help ground your energy. Do any activity that you enjoy, just get moving!

  4. Cuddle your pet – cuddling your pet can snap you out of a bad mood or provide a level of comfort since it creates a loving emotional response😊 animals are intuitive by nature and can sense when our mood is low.

  5. Increase water intake – Water is life! We are made of 70% water. Drink it!

  6. Cut back on substances (alcohol, caffeine, pills, nicotine) – These are mind altering substances which will expose you to lower-level frequencies. A.K.A all negative actions, thought patterns, and emotions to easily enter your field energy field. Alcohol also causes holes in your aura for up to 24 hours.

  7. Limit consumption of low vibrational materials (news, social media, websites, movies, books, music) – expose yourself to uplifting material like spiritual books, a pod cast, or a feel-good movie.

  8. Avoid low vibrational environments (people, places, clutter) – Your environment is a direct representation of your energy. Make sure you keep it clean with an organized clean home and away from lower vibrational people and places (bars, night clubs, negative or drama filled people)

  9. Use essential oils – This is one of the best ways to easily raise your vibration. Rose is the highest HZ of frequency at a healing 320-350 hz. Make sure to get a good quality brand like YoungLiving. Wear them on your wrists, your neck, in necklaces, diffuse them in your home, take a bath with them, or get raindrop therapy done (HIGHLY RECOMMEND)

  10. Meditate – Clear your mind you will clear your energies <3 Try to meditate for 10 minutes per day. If you find it hard just start somewhere and focus on improving. I promise its like a muscle and some days are better than others.

  11. Read (books that are inspirational or create good feelings) – Reading good books or personal development is a good way to absorb the vibration in which the author imprinted in the pages. This means that what the author experienced or knows (if you’re reading a good personal development or spiritual book) you will absorb those frequencies allowing you to experience thru the author’s experience. You can easily implement tactics from the book in your life this way.

  12. Crystals – Each crystal has a certain frequency and dependent on what you’re wanting to increase frequency of (a chakra, manifestation, or stimulate healing) will determine which one you pick. Place them in your home, build grids, carry them with you, wear them as jewelry.

  13. Balance your energy system (reiki, charka balancing, acupuncture, massage, raindrop therapy, emotion code)

  14. Be creative – When we are creative, we are in the state of flow. Our mind has shut down any low-level thoughts and we are simply just creating and being. This is extremely healing and as humans we are naturally creative beings.

  15. Show gratitude and love daily – Gratitude and love are some of the higher emotional levels of frequency we can create within us. When we show gratitude, we are coming from a place of thanks and abundance, therefore, welcoming more of it in our life.

These are just a few tips and tools that I like to use to raise my own frequency but there are ENDLESS ways to do it. Our natural state is to be a high vibrational spiritual being! Feel free to get creative with any of these and share in the comments what you like to do to raise your own frequency!

- Light & Love

Andrea J.


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